New Year’s Critical Power Resolutions: From Reactive to Proactive

This is the year!

It’s time to kick your “run until parts failure” approach to critical power maintenance and start reaping the rewards (and savings) of proactive planning.

A proactive uninterruptible power supply (UPS) maintenance strategy saves money and prevents costly emergencies. Proactive service can also extend the operational life of UPS equipment by anywhere from 25% to 50% beyond manufacturer reported life spans. Regular proactive services keep components running at peak performance, reducing energy expenses. Finally, proactive maintenance, when done right, can include collection, analysis and decision-making based on your maintenance data for better budget planning and even more savings.

To help you take the next step, here are four tips for getting proactive with your UPS service.

1. Go with the power pros
Hire the right professionals to maintain and repair your equipment. UPS units require consistent upkeep and service that only technicians with ongoing, up-to-date training can provide. Make sure your provider provides ongoing training on the latest equipment. Some maintenance companies sub-contract or have lax training requirements. Having engineers that are employees and can get to know your equipment over time to help you plan (instead of a revolving door of sub-contractors) is smart maintenance.

2. Use data to make decisions
Actionable information is key to a proactive approach. D-Tech™ is the only UPS maintenance reporting system of its kind – it creates an interactive database of all your UPS maintenance data so you can use it to find trends, create budgets and plan to the penny. From checking voltage trends to scheduling 10 years of component replacement, you can arrange and analyze all your key data quickly and easily. Watch the D-Tech video on this page to learn more.

3. Replace parts regularly
DC Group has the largest inventory of OEM-discontinued and hard-to-find UPS parts in the industry. We support every make and model of UPS unit made since the 1980s. We do this so you can keep your equipment running well and running longer – and replace when it makes sense for you. Replacing on your timetable (instead of when the OEM no longer supports the equipment) gives you the best possible ROI for your UPS budget. Having our 1 million+ parts inventory on hand also keeps your equipment running at maximum efficiency for lower utility bills.

4. Keep it clean and cool
One very simple proactive step is to make sure your UPS unit is in a clean area. A cluttered environment can be dangerous for employees and technicians alike. Dust can drift onto components and eventually cause failure. Heat is also highly destructive to UPS equipment. Monitor the ambient air temperature around your equipment regularly.

Want to find out more? Get in touch with a UPS maintenance professional for a no-obligation consult on your maintenance plan. Let’s see if we can help you have your most cost-effective and professional year of UPS maintenance yet!
